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History of establishment and development of aerology and protect of labor department National Mining University


History, growth and development of aerology and protect of labor of the National Mining University is inextricably linked with the problems of the mining industry in Ukraine and in the first place - mine Donetsk basin. The potential danger of underground mining operations, owners neglect mines and pits elementary rules of safety, especially with regard to reduction of explosion and fire safety workings and provide them with the necessary amount of air and a reliable mount, led to major accidents and disasters involving mass death of miners. The most severe effects were explosions of gas and coal dust and fire mines.

In the Donbas first explosion of consequence took place on January 4th 1891 on Rykiv mine, which killed 55 miners. The second explosion, which resulted in the death of 74 miners at the mine "Ivan" January 3, 1898, next year there was an explosion at the mine number 1 in Gorlovka, which killed 63 men. So from the very beginning of Ekaterinoslav Higher Mining School (KHVU) scientists miners paid considerable attention to studying the causes of these accidents and developing measures for their prevention. Thus, in the first written in 1903 by Professor AM Terpyhoryev in the walls of college textbook on the rock art contains a fairly large part of the ventilation shafts. The first independent textbook of mine ventilation was written and published in 1911 by prof. MM Protodiakonov. Manual has been so successful that for a quarter century (until 1938) he was the main guide of mining engineers and mine ventilation textbook for students of mining specialties.

The question of ventilation of mines and safety, which were an important part of training of mining engineers, during the first 40 years of Katerinoslav Higher Mining School - Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute taught the Department of rock art. In 1918 this department was renamed the department of minerals. The teachers of this department, including such famous professors as MM Protodiakonov, AM Terpyhoryev, LD Shevyakova, read courses "Refresh mines" and "safety in mines."

In 1924, the first time in the history of domestic mining science professor of minerals IS Novosiltsev read lectures on rescue cases. Some time this course was read as an independent, but in 30 years has become an integral part of the course "Security works in the mines." In 1920 - 1930 рр. academic department of minerals carried a lot of work to create a scientific basis and justification of the "Rules of safety work in mines”. Leading role in creating these rules is prof. I. Novosiltsev.

Increased research of mine ventilation and safety accompanied by the development of material-technical base of educational process and inclusion in the curricula of training engineers - technologists with underground mining of bedded deposits of minerals of new courses and sections. There were exchange projects with ventilation shafts and safety in mines and the relevant sections of the graduation projects. Were created specialized laboratory ventilation of mines, work safety and rescue affairs office. In the department of minerals occurred specialization of the faculty and the gradual orientation of the target teachers to conduct the educational process and research of mine ventilation and safety in mines.

The most important topics of ventilation of mines in the prewar years were as aerodynamic assessment of mining, especially with new types of hardware, and control of ventilation. The appearance of metal fasteners in the ranks caused the determination of its aerodynamic parameters for use in the design and calculation study. Large studies of aerodynamic resistance ranks Chervonoarmiysk region, fixed wedge with metal uprights, performed F.O. Abramov, who defended the results of this research thesis. Difficulties in adjusting ventilation gas mines led to a method for evaluation of their enlarged aerodynamic qualities and their defects detection was achieved by the creation of methods and the introduction of services in the practice of ventilation (and later and rescue service) depression filming. These issues were at the department by F.O. Abramov and AF Miletych.

As an independent division of DRI faculty "mine ventilation and safety," released in 1940, led her and headed the Department until 1969 F.O. Abramov. The war interrupted the fruitful work of the young head of the department and turned it into a platoon commander hydrometeorological Intelligence Division Artillery. However, he did not have to celebrate a warrior, because planted invaders and flooded mines of Donbass awaited assistance. Demobilized from the army F.O. Abramov, who returned to DRI destroyed by war, as head of mine ventilation and safety equipment is actively engaged in adjusting ventilation ruined Donbass mines and at the same time - the restoration of material resources department for the training process.

The main scientific and applied problems of mine ventilation in these years was to ensure the ventilation of mines and renewable justification aerodynamic parameters of excavation and ventilation scheme of new mines of Donbass, which determined the subject of research department.

АБРАМОВ Федір Олексійович.jpg 

F.O. Abramov


Corr. Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of technical sciences, professor, laureate of State Prize of Ukraine. Chair during the period from 1940 to 1969. From 1962 to 1982 headed the department of mining aerogazotermodynamic IGTM National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The transition of mining operations at great depths and associated with this growth temperature of rocks, the growth of the gas and frequency of dynamic manifestations, growth depression of mines and power fans set mine ventilation and new problems are gradually solved Department corrected range of scientific and applied problems.

The direction that has become traditional for mine ventilation - research aerodynamic parameters of mining and improvements - found further development in the works of F. O. Abramov, who in 1952 defended his doctoral thesis devoted to the study of aerodynamics of vertical shafts of mines with new types of reinforcement. The results of this work laid the theoretical basis of improving the aerodynamic parameters shafts of deep mines and their feasibility study, which largely excluded the need for experimental testing of new types of reinforcement. Intensive construction of the subway in Moscow, the development of its ventilation network, the need to calculate and control demanded of complex scientific and applied research, much of which in 50 years was performed at the Department of mine ventilation and safety DRI.

Completed by AF Milyetich, VA Dolinski, LPRomensky, DC Gershun, V.Э. Streymann, B.E. Hretsinher, MV Shibko, GA Shevelyev et al. led F.O. Abramov research needs to provide background material for aerodynamic parameters of mining. All editions of the famous "Handbook of mine ventilation" includes a section on the aerodynamic resistance of mines, written by the research scientists of the department.

МІЛЄТІЧ Антон Федорович (1912 - 1990).jpg 


(1912 - 1990)

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. He worked at the department during the period from 1937 to 1969 Since 1966 Professor.From 1969 to 1990 - Head of heating and ventilation of the Odessa Civil Engineering Institute.

ДОЛІНСЬКИЙ Віталій Андрійович (1929 – 2007).jpg 

V.A. Dolinski

(1929 – 2007)

He worked at the department during the period from 1953 to 1998. During 10 years served as rector for research. Since 1996 - Professor of department, and since 1998 - professor of ecology department.

Increased depth and capacity of mines and the associated complications of ventilation networks demanded development of methods for calculation of ventilation, and further regulation and ventilation shafts and means for their implementation. Lack of analytical methods for calculation of complex ventilation networks in the early stages of work compensated development of methods and means of simulation. In the DRI works on simulation of ventilation networks through the use of incandescent lamps began MA Frolov. Thereafter, V.A. Boyko made a simulation of ventilation networks for nonlinear semiconductor elements, and then, with the advent and progress of computer technology, the focus was moved to develop algorithms and methods for calculation of ventilation networks of computers. Calculation of the first complex mine ventilation network was completed in 1962 on a computer "Ural-4" F.O. Abramov, V.A.Boyko and E.G. Bulah.

In the mid-50s G.V. Duhanov started work on the thermal regime Krivbass mines, which gradually spread to other mines and deep mines of Donbass. As a result of these studies were established thermophysical parameters of rocks, and developed together with the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine promising scheme normalization of thermal conditions in deep mines. Further work in this direction led Assoc.VI Muraveynyk, which together with the I.P. Oliynyk, V.B. Skrypnikov, V.V. Tolstykh, V.G. Kuznetsov, V.K. Prudnikov performed fundamental research on the creation of methods and means of normalization of the atmosphere of deep pits and develop ways and means of radiation conditioning.

ДУГАНОВ Георгій Васильович (1918 - 1997).jpg


(1918 - 1997)

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Higher School of Ukraine.He worked at the department during the period from 1950 to 1969 he was Professor of department. From 1969 to 1992 Head of the Department of Labor Sevastopol instrument Institute.

Growth pressures on treatment and hollows gaz mines with the transition to great depths demanded immediate solution of problems of air distribution network in mining and study emerging with gas-dynamic processes (primarily - on the excavation stations). In the 70 and 80 years of this research successfully developed at the Department of V.G. Klochkov, J.R. Ikonnikov, V.F. Fedorkov, N.V. Shybko, O.V. Bezschasny, R.K. Stasyevych and others. For the experimental observation of mine aerogasdynamic processes scientists together with scientists from the Department IGTM Sciences of Ukraine (V. Boyko, V. Frundin, G. Miller, EV Polyakov et al.) Was created complex apparatus for measuring,transfer and registration of the mine atmosphere and parameters, including metanometry with standardized output, mine self-recording instruments, Anemometers, which subsequently served as the basis for a permanent monitoring equipment and parameters of the mine atmosphere and the technical means to control operation of the mine degasification systems. Implementation of these activities caused the creation of the Department of branch research laboratory controls mine atmosphere.

For operational control air flow in a network of mines were established remote-control air flow regulators, various modifications are produced Antratsyt RRZ. Based on the results of theoretical and experimental studies aero-gasdynamic processes in gas mines, developed on the basis of monitoring and control of air distribution were established experimental systems of control over a number of gas ventilation of mines, operation of which confirmed the theoretical wealth developed ways of regulating gas ventilation shafts and performance designed to this purpose hardware.



(1922 - 2011)

World War II veteran, a famous scientist in the field aero-gasdynamic mines, mines and quarries, NSU Professor Emeritus, PhD, Professor of aerology and safety. Constantly engaged in research work for the state budget cathedral topics participated in scientific conferences and seminars, has written more than 230 scientific papers, including 9 monographs and 19 inventions. He was a member of the specialized scientific council of the university on specialty 05.26.01 – Protect of labor. Has the following awards: the Order "Otechestvennaya War" the Second Degree, the medal "For courage" medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic wars", 12 commemorative medals, the medal "For heroic work," Diploma of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR, complete gentleman "Miners fame", bronze medals of the USSR

Intensive development of open mining ore in Kryvbas led to the appearance of deep pits and united, that caused problems of their airing. The decision of these issues was initiated M.F.Kremenchutsky and prolonged O.V.Zbirovsky. The result of their research was the creation of methods for calculating ventilation combined quarries and development of new ways and means to ventilate mines. Parallel associate MV Shibka and A.A. Litvinenko solve the problems of design and management of ventilation of deep mines Krivbass.

Department aerology and safety and created by her industrial laboratory controls mine atmosphere along with the decision of current problems of working for the future, expanding the range of scientific and applied work. One of these areas, develop a head of branch laboratory V.I. Golinko with V.E. Kolesnik, was the creation of methods and means of operational control dust air in mine workings of mines, mines and quarries. As a result of the research was established and operational control equipment, portable dust meter of air in mine workings.


Back in the mid 50s Associate Professor Y.M.Yarovoy had begun work on degassing of coal deposits, which have gained wide scale in the next decade, when it was necessary to eliminate the complications of ventilation of some Western Donbass mines caused an error in the prediction of the expected gasest. These works are executed under the direction of M.F. Kremenchutsky team consisting of V.I.Beskrovny, N.K. Maslenko, S.M. Balashov, S.Semakina and I.V. Maltsev. They improved drainage scheme subject to the conditions of the Western Donbass, settled complex theoretical problems associated with analytical calculations degasification systems, optimization of their operation, efficiency and stability of methane.

The above list is only an insignificant fraction of all the scientific tasks and areas over which worked to solve and over which now are scientific and pedagogical staff of the department, now called the Department of aerology and protect of labor .F.O. Abramov Chair during the period from 1940 to 1969, from 1969 to 1999 chair Dr. techn. sciences, Professor V.A. Boyko, and since 1999 Chair Dr. techn. sciences, Professor V.I.Golinko.

Currently the main areas of research, teaching staff which includes 4 professors, 12 associate professors and 6 assistants are:

  • study of aerodynamics of mines and mines (study aerodynamic drag mining shafts and ventilation networks, improving aerodynamic quality of mining, survey mode mine gas drainage and strata that are developed, and satellite);
  • development of methods and means of measuring the structure and parameters of the atmosphere in the mine workings and mine degasification gas mixtures in pipelines and their means of regulation (the speed of air movement, dust content, methane, oxygen, carbon monoxide, regulation of flow of air in mine workings, etc.);
  • study parameters and creating management systems ventilation of mines, mines, mines a large volume, quarries and mines degassing (development and improvement of methods of calculation and optimization of complex ventilation and degasification networks using PCs, structuring and management programs ventilation and degasification systems and normalization parameters of microclimate in the workings);
  • safety management (development management systems, monitoring of occupational injuries, workstations Service employees work.)

Once you've created and up to 1960 (20 years) education department provided only two disciplines - mine ventilation and safety. Currently, the Department taught courses "aerology mining enterprises", "Ventilation mines", "Fundamentals of safety" "Safety", "Health in the field", "Hygiene and working environment", "Industrial ventilation and air conditioning" , "Monitoring conditions", "Fire Safety and Mine-Rescue", "degassing deposits" and others.

Traditionally, the department, managing diploma projects and issue the same group for the profession "Underground mining of mineral deposits." From the 1996-1997 school year, the Department began training with safety in the mining industry. In compliance with the current list of majors and specialties, now the Department provides training for the profession "Development of mineral deposits" specialization "Safety in mining."

Teachers and scholars of the Department in 1958 prepared a thematic collection of articles "Questions airing mines (260 sec.), And in 1967 and in 1971's together with employees IGTM UkrSSR two collection" airing improving the mines' total volume of 536 p.. That published in publishing house "Nadra". Now the Department aerology and protect of labor in conjunction with the Department of Mining IGTM aero-gas dynamics of Sciences of Ukraine launched regular international scientific conference "Problems aerology of mining" as a result of which the publication of collections of scientific papers.

In the formation of the department of scientific and teaching staff was formed with members of the Department of underground mining of minerals. Since the early 50's when the department is preparing scientific and teaching staff in graduate school in the field, which coincided with the direction of research, and then the doctor's degree.

Over the years the department as an independent unit it prepared scientific and pedagogical staff - PhD F.O. Abramov, A.F.Milyetich, G.V. Duhanov, V.A. Boiko, M.F. Kremenchutsky, V.I.Golinko, G.A. Miroshnik, O. Zbirovskyy, VE Kolesnik, and more than 80 Ph.D., working in NSU and in other educational and research institutes and enterprises of the mining industry.

Over the years, the Department of aerology and protect of labor gave a start in life for many talented scientists, knowledgeable managers of science and industry. In many regions of Ukraine and abroad well-known names. Among them are former students - graduates of the academy, graduate students and graduate degree applicants, researchers and teachers, who were preparing and defending the degree projects, dissertations, acquired scientific, educational and life experiences in the team department, under the direction of its leading experts: F.O. Abramov, G.V. Duhanova, A.F. Milyetich, V.A. Boiko, M.F. Kremenchutsky, V.A. Dolinski, V. I.Golinko and others.

Active purposeful activity for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical staff that since the first years of the establishment was conducted at the department, allowing not only satisfy their own needs as well as storage and staff form the entire science departments at research institutes, they recruit new faculty in Academy and provide demand in highly scientific and pedagogical staff of other organizations.

Now since the founding chair of aerology and protect of labor passed almost 67 years. She is known in Ukraine and beyond its glorious past, their present affairs, and department staff confidently looking to the future and works to create decent work, health and life-employee.



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