Golinko V.I., Alekseenko S.A., Smolanov I.N.
The problems of legal regulation, organization and management of rescue work, the causes, characteristics and the occurrence of different types of accidents, tactics and technology of rescue, rescue people in case of accidents in mines and providing medical rescue. Allowance corresponds to the curriculum, "Rescue Work" for the students specialty "Mining and quarrying (underground mining)," specialization "OSH in the mining industry" and can be used in the preparation and professional development of officers and specialist mountain rescue services, members of the auxiliary mine rescue teams, engineers and technical workers of mining enterprises, as well as students in other majors enrolled in the direction "Mining".
Considered indicators of severity and intensity of the labor process. The classification work in the industry and safety classification of work. Given the basich armful factors of working environment that affect working conditions. The requirements, laws and regulations to legal conditions and measures for their improvement by factors of working environment. The technique ergonomic analysis of work conditions and Attestation of working conditions at work. Designed for students majoring in "Mining and extraction of minerals,"specialization "protect of labour in mining" and the content corresponds to discipline "Monitoring conditions". It may be useful to students of other specialties for independent work in the disciplines "Principles of safety" and "Health in the field" as well as a wide range of readers interested in issues concerning the improvement of working conditions in the workplace. The questions related to safety management in analysis of harmful and dangerous production factors and secured acceptable sanitary conditions in the business sector. Value attention paid to electrical and fire safety. Manual meets the requirements for the discipline "Health industry" and is designed for students of electrical specialties, tacos, can be useful to a wide range of readers interested in the problems of safety.
The basic information on legal, organizational, technical, health and hygiene. as well as preventive measures and tools aimed at maintaining the health and disability workers in industries using information technology. The characteristic of the working conditions are considered factors that influence the functional status of workers. The basic requirements of laws and regulations on protect of labour when working with personal computers. Recommendations for use of technical means and the implementation of sanitary and health measures aimed at preserving and improving health workers' ability to work using personal computers. The book is intended for computer users (professionals and nonprofessionals), teachers, experts in the field of occupational safety, as well as managers and engineers. It may be useful to students of all disciplines use information technology.
The classification of types of emergencies. Examined the causes and major measures to eliminate these situations. Special attention is paid to issues related to forecasting and evaluating the consequences of emergencies and acts of the population in extreme conditions. The basic methods and techniques of first aid to victims. The manual meets the requirements of the course "Safety," It may be helpful to students during independent work on the lecture material and in preparation for the practical work, I am also a wide range of readers interested in issues of life safety in the field of environmentally hazardous and unhealthy conditions | residence. Dedicated to assessing the impact of operational properties anti-dust of personal respiratory protection for the risk of diseases caused by dust factor. Considered in detail the dependence of the protective effectiveness of quality dust mask filters, operating time means of individual protection, climatic conditions, which identified the factors that contribute to reducing the effectiveness of protective dust mask. Thus, reasonable scientific position that the efficiency of filter elements by increasing the thickness and density of filter material leads not only to reduce the rate of penetration of aerosols, but also to the leak of contaminated air through leaks by band that causes extreme nature of the relationship of protective efficiency of dust mask specified parameters of the filtering material.
The general legal and organizational and legal issues of hygiene, technical and preventive measures and means to preserve the performance and health during her employment, which form the basis of safety in Ukraine. Tutorial program meets regulatory discipline "Principles of safety" and is designed for university students of all specialties.
The manual deals with the legal regulation of security of life and organizations secure and friendly environment at work and in the place of residence. Special attention is paid to theoretical and psycho physiological aspects of safety of life, in particular describes the role of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, analyzers, functional status in the regulation of safe behavior and the influence of physiological factors work in livelihoods. The manual meets the requirements of the course "Safety". His students can use in independent work on the lecture material and in preparation for the workshops. The manual may be interested in a wide range of readers who care about life safety issues in connection with living in areas with environmentally hazardous and harmfulconditions.
The questions of legal regulation of security of life, of a safe and friendly environment at work and place of residence. Special attention is paid to theoretical and physiological aspects of safety of life, including the role of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, analyzers, human functional state in the regulation of safe behavior and the influence of physiological factors work in life Amount. the manual meets the requirements of the course "Safety". It can be useful to students at independent work on lecture material and in preparation for the practical work and interesting readers who interesting life safety problems and live in areas with environmentally unsafe and unhealthy living conditions.
Monograph devoted to the process of establishing patterns of leakage of air through the ventilation facilities and the length of the parallel workings and development based on these methods and tools that increase the efficiency of ventilation manganese mines Nikopol basin. As a result of the studies proved the aerodynamic parameters and design tools to reduce the loss of air in the mine ventilation system that enables increased efficiency of ventilation systems manganese mines. For students, technical officers, employees, universities, research institutes and design organizations of the mining industry.