Department of ALP participates in international activities.
Head of the Department Golinko VI is a member of the editorial board of scientific and technical information and analytical magazine "Emergency. Industrial Environmental Security"
During the period from 2003 published the following publications: V. Golinko, S. Cheberiachko & Y. Cheberiachko Effect Of Design Of Half – Mask Respirators On Their Key Qualities // New Techniques And Technologies In Mining School Of Unederground Mining 2010 P. 151-155.
V.I. Golinko, S.I. Cheberiachko, V.E. Kolesnik Protective Efficiency Of Filtering Respirators //Scientific Reports On Resource Issues – 2010. – Volume 1. p.473-475
Голинько В.И. Влияние водяных паров на взрывчатые свойства метано-воздушных смесей // Пожаровзрывобезопасность – 2010. – №12 ‑ С. 16-18
Голинько В.И. Экологические аспекты использования эмульсионных взрывчатых веществ с продуктами переработки твердых ракетных топлив при взрывных работах // Чрезвычайные ситуации. Промышленная и экологическая безопасность. – 2011. ‑ №1-3 ‑ С. 87-96.
Голинько В.И. Контроль пылевзрывоопасности горных выработок угольных шахт // Пожаровзрывобезопасность – 2011. – №11 ‑ С. 39-44. ![]()
Associate Professor Alekseenko SA is in charge of the department for international activities. In 2005 the results of scientific papers at the 10th session of the elected member of the International Bureau of Mining Thermophysics at the World Mining Congress, which assumes a constant part.
The main scientific works published in Russia and Poland:
2003 1. Oleksiyenko S.O., Lisovitskaya I.A. Unconventional approach to the new technology air conditioning of deep mines. Mountain information and analytical bulletin, Moscow State Mining University, № 9, 2003. - P.69-71. 2004 2. Graphic-analytical method for calculating the air conditioning system for aligning heat potentials in deep mines. Oleksiyenko S.O., Shayhlislamova I.A., Zinchenko I.M., Butyrin A.G., Korol V.I. Mountain information and analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal) .2004. № 10. P.86-90 2005 3. Thermal relaxation of the body miners in deep mines. Oleksiyenko S.O., Bondarenko V.I., Shayhlislamova I.A., Muraveinik V.I. Sat scientific. tr. 10th Session of the International Thermophysics Bureau of Mines "IBMT 2005" 14-18 February 2005 in Gliwice, Poland. - P.383-388. 4. Oleksiyenko S.O., Bulgakov Y.F. Directions, ways and means to regulate the micro-climate in the lavas of the deep levels of the mines. Sat scientific. tr. 10th Session of the International Thermophysics Bureau of Mines "IBMT 2005" 14-18 February 2005 in Gliwice, Poland. - P. 389-400. 2009 5. Chistyuhin V.V. Oleksiyenko S.O., AV Chistyuhina Improving rescue in the preparation and testing of long excavation sites. Mountain information and analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal).2009. T.12. № 12. P.277-281. 6. Rescue miners during fires in long dead-end roadways. Oleksiyenko S.O., Bulgakov Y.F., Melnikov Y.V., Muraveinik V.I., Shayhlislamova I.A. Mountain information and analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal).2009. T.12. № 12. P.282-294. 2010 7. Oleksiyenko S.O Set to save lives in accidents in mines and mines. Thes. XXII International scientific and practical. Conf.: Actual problems of fire safety. 4.2. Moscow Institute of Fire Prevention, 2010. - P.140-143. 8. Oleksiyenko S.O Improving the system of emergency protection mines. Thes. XXII International scientific and practical. Conf.: Actual problems of fire safety. 4.2. Moscow Institute of Fire Prevention, 2010. - P.143-146. 2011 9. Oleksiyenko S.O Bulgakov Y.F., Shayhlislamova I.A. Set to save lives in accidents on the working areas of mines. "Rescue. Fire Protection 2011 ", Moscow: Publishing House VDPO, 2011. - P, 66-68.