Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Shayhlislamova Irina Anatoliivna

Position the chair - associate professor. Academic degree - PhD.

In 2001 she graduated from the National Mining University of Ukraine (now State Universities' National Mining University "), specializing in" Development of mineral deposits "and entered graduate school at the Department of aerology and safety (PAO). Thesis: "Improving the microclimate mines of Donbass way redistribution teplovolohisnoho potential mine air." Defended his thesis in April 2007. Since 2006, she worked as an assistant, and from May 2008 - as an assistant professor of aerology and safety in NSU. Research aimed at improving the microclimate in the workplace in the Donbass mines with new energy-efficient ways to mine air conditioning without the use of chillers. She took part in research work with the general problem of improving the microclimate in the workplace of deep mines. Number of scientific publications is more than 45 scientific publications. Contact: Dmytra Yavornytskoho Avenue 19, Bldg. 4, Aud. 70 (E-Mail): shaix@ukr.net тел.: 46-90-66



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